I have been a nurse for almost 30 years. I like many other travelers was content with my full-time employment, having the security, routine and benefits in place. About a year ago I stepped out on a leap of faith, and I too entered the lifestyle of a travel nurse. I realize that finding temporary housing in unfamiliar places, could be almost as stressful as making the decision to travel.

I even turned down assignments as a result of being unable to find suitable or affordable housing to begin my assignments. I thought, I could make this journey less stressful by helping other Healthcare professionals find housing during their journeys to unfamiliar cities. So I hired staff that love to travel and are well versed with researching properties and negotiating prices. Thus I founded “Simple Travel” by Prosperlink.

Joyce Pollas


We Offer

* Reviews are read by my staff to ensure that the choices offered to you are optimal and in a safe area

* We offer you 2 or 3 choices after careful review and consideration of your needs, then after you give us your final choice

* We locate temporary housing for you in whatever city or country that you are going to.

Simple Travel

by Prosperlink.

Miramar Fl 33025

